Friday, June 1, 2012

The Giant Vulture

I had a strange dream the other day.  

I am in my old house on Mariposa Avenue.  In my dream it was really early in the morning, like maybe 5am.  I am walking in the kitchen and my dog Shadow is with me, which is weird because Shadow never knew that house. He was born years later after we moved to my current home.  Anyway, Shadow is with me and I look out to the back yard and I see a big vulture in the middle of the yard with his wings spread out.  To his right was my other dog Pantera (who has passed away), she was lying down on the grass, looking up and growling at this vulture who would not move.

I opened the glass door to the back yard just slightly but as I did, I felt Shadow edge his way out and he ran towards Pantera & the vulture.  Pantera got scared and took off an the vulture also started flapping it's wings and also took off flying.  Shadow was left alone in the yard just barking.  He started running around in circles and I saw he was full of energy.  The next thing I know he starts jumping and he leaps over the 8 feet fence!

I just stood there staring ... not believing what had just happened.