Strange strange strange!
How did I have a dream about garbanzo beans - I don't even like them. Why are they in my head? lol
I had a dream with different scenes. When I woke up, I only remembered one of them.
In my dream it was probably evening and there seemed to be some fog all around, even inside the buildings.
I was at a friend's house (Candida), in her kitchen. Everything was made of wood - the cabinets, the floor - everything
I remember feeling thirsty and I asked Candida for a glass a water. My friend grabbed a bucket - (yes made out of wood) and headed over to a pump and filled the bucket. She then went to her backyard and I followed her. It was darker now and kind of hard to see because there seemed to be a lot of fog surrounding everything.
I noticed a small hole in the ground. Close by was a huge bag full of garbanzo beans. She got a big scoop full beans and threw them inside the hole. She then filled the hole with water.
She then knelt down on the ground and stuck her hand in the hole and started crushing the garbanzo beans and swirling them all around making the water look milky. I was so confused by what she was doing. "What are you doing Candida"? I asked her. She said, "Well, didn't you say you wanted a glass of water? I have to filter the water first because it's contaminated. Not everyone has the luxury like you Carol who can just open the faucet in her kitchen and get some water to drink". I was confused... and just looked at her and smiled a little. I wasn't sure what else to do.